Course Content
Introduction To Drop Two Voicings
This introductory lesson explains the importance of principle shapes in barre chords and how they interact with the chromatic scale.
Learning Minor Seven Chords Across The Neck
Here you will learn how to play a Minor 7 Guitar Chord all over the guitar fretboard. You will not only learn how to play on string set 1-4, but also across string sets 2-5 and 3-6.
II – V – I Chord Progression & Voice Leading
Understanding how to apply voice leading to the II - V - I chord progression can be a daunting task for guitarists. In this lesson, you will be shown exactly how the theoretical and practical side of things work.
Ninth Chords ā€“ Create Them From Dominant Sevenths
Understanding how extensions work and how they can add color to your chords is something all guitarists need to consider. In this lesson, youā€™ll not only learn how to add extensions, you will also be shown how to create dominant ninth forms all over the guitar neck and not be limited to just a couple of shape ideas.
Introduction To Chord Synonyms
Chord synonyms are a powerful tool for any guitarists. Regardless of style, this introduction to synonyms is a must know.
Playing Chord Progressions Up The Neck
This lesson brings together a lot of the work you have carried out earlier in the course. You will be playing through a chord progression right up the neck in one key.
Learning How Musical Keys Work
Although many guitarists talk about guitar keys, really there is no such thing. If they mean by this keys where the majority of chords can be played in open position, well fine. This course and this lesson, however, is about making sure you really understand everything about music. That you are equipped to play in almost any musical scenario. To this end, in this lesson you will learn all about diatonic chord progressions.
Another Must Know Progression + Chord Synonyms Advanced
In this lesson you will continue to learn useful chord progressions that are used again and again in thousands of songs. This work, once completed will mean you have an almost telepathic idea of what the next chord in a song will be. You will also be given some incredible theoretical insights on how you can create three chords from one!
Drop Two Chord Progression In Minor Scales
So far we have only looked at how minor chords function within a major key. In this lesson, we will change our emphasis to understanding how minor keys and associated chords work.
Learning Chord Progressions In Minor Keys
This lesson really is a culmination of everything you have learned so far. Not only will you play a minor chord progression up the neck, but you will learn how to play through a minor chord progression without backing and in free time.
Putting It All Together With A Minor Blues Backing Track
Now that you have learned all about chords, progressions, theory and more itā€™s time to put it all into action. In this the first of three songs you will be playing a minor blues!
Blues Songs
This is the second song that you will be learning and this time itā€™s a blues in A. You will be using a wide range of chords all over the neck including dominant ninth ideas.
Jazz Guitar Chord Progressions
This is the final lesson of thirteen in the drop 2 chords course for guitar. Itā€™s a challenging piece to play with a lot of different keys to navigate through. If you have worked on all the previous lessons then you should, with a little practice be up to the task of making the chord changes.
Learning Drop Two Chords
About Lesson

    In this lesson which is an introduction to drop 2 chords, you will learn the following points.

    • How we will be dealing with chord forms within string sets.
    • How chords are inverted and taken up the neck.
    • The importance of knowing what the bass and melody note is.

    This is a long but important lesson. The video lesson will last for nearly twenty minutes, so please try and hang in there.

    If you find that you are losing concentration, it might be an idea to pause the video and then come back to it at a later time when you are fresh. The concepts are not hard to understand, but there are a lot of important areas covered.

    So to summarize, this lesson outlines many of the important concepts that you will use throughout the entire thirteen lesson course.

    The main points that are introduced in this lesson are the actual forms used in the major, minor and dominant seventh chord families.

    Also discussed is the importance of knowing the bass and melody notes. You will be shown how to project chords up the neck in all forms.

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